Archive for August, 2015

“Winter’s Rite” – Review Snippets

Winters Rite Cover_02

“This is a tale of courage and determination and proves that heroes come in all sizes and ages.”

“I am not a lover of fantasy books but I enjoyed this one.”

“This book is full of all kinds of creatures but none of them are human.”

“There are goblins, elves, trolls, faeries and gnomes just to name a few. Some are kind creatures and others are cruel and violent.”

Grab your copy of “Winter’s Rite” here now!

Scott Harper

Update – “Hero Life”

It’s been a while since I mentioned the “Hero Life” project here. That’s the paranormal superhero action/adventure/drama that I’m co-writing. We have a script for “Hero Life” as a feature film. Due to comments made from several potential directors approached with the project – things akin to “Wow! This ought to be a TV series!” – a pilot script for a “Hero Life” TV series is still being written. My co-writer on this project has been hard at work on his part of that script for a little while now. Hopefully that’ll be wrapped up in the near future.

So, anyone interested in “Hero Life” now has their choice of the project as a feature-length film, or a TV pilot. Any potential directors, or producers, please get in touch with me via the “Contact” page on my website. I’ll put you in touch with my co-writer on “Hero Life”, too.

Scott Harper


A year ago I first started talking here about a project that my wife – bestselling, award-winning author Desirée Lee – and myself hope to do with the amazing musical talent Mr. Tom Smith. We still hope that project will happen. Mr. Smith still wants to do the film. He still likes the ideas we’ve put before him. However, doing a screenplay based on a musician’s song is new territory for us, and Mr. Smith. We had hoped to begin moving on this film project once our new book, “Hidden Tribe“, had wrapped up. “Hidden Tribe” is currently in edits. Currently, Mr. Smith is exploring the legal issues, and red tape, involved with the project we want to do. Business is business. Both we, and he, need to be protected. So, hopefully this project comes together soon. Please keep watching for updates!

Scott Harper

“Sofia the First”

As you know, we have a 2-year-old daughter. She’s become a fan of the Disney series “Sofia the First”. And I’m not ashamed to say that I love this show, too! I always look forward to sitting down with her to watch it. Granted, I’m not the target audience for the show – far from it! – but I still enjoy watching it. It is, by far, my favorite of the shows she likes to watch.  Princess Sofia is a great role model, and the show is a lot of fun, and something different with each episode.

That said, it’d be a lot of fun to be able to work on an episode as a writer. Can anyone reading this help that to happen? If so, please get in touch with me via the “Contact” form on my website.

Scott Harper



The above is a screenshot of some great news that turned up in my e-mail late last week. My critically acclaimed novella, “Quagmire Fen“, has seen a recent large jump in sales. If you haven’t read it, grab your copy now!


Scott Harper

First Day

Our 2-year-old daughter had her first day at Montessori school today. A big chunk of last week was spent getting ready for that. Which explains the lack of regular posts here last week.

Over the weekend we worked hard on painting our kitchen. When we bought this house a little over a year ago everything was blah, boring white – walls, ceilings, trim, and doors. The kitchen is the first room to be repainted. It’s small. We wanted to keep it bright. The walls are now the color Sherwin Williams paint stores officially call “Electric Lime”. The ceiling will be painted bright yellow when we get around to it.

Anyway, the painting took a lot longer than expected. Having a 2-year-old, we should have factored more time in! So, most of my day thus far as been spent pulling down tape, doing touch-ups, and getting the kitchen back in order. Our daughter is home from her first day of school, so I’m calling it quits in the kitchen for today. I’ll try to wrap that up tomorrow.

After that, I hope to return to my regular habit of earlier in the day blog posts here. And to have those posts focus on my writing, and not things like this post.

Scott Harper



Remember, autographed copies of my award-winning, bestselling action/adventure book “Quintana Roo, Yucatan” are available at the Book Nymph in Klamath Falls, Oregon (2261 South 6th St #4).

Scott Harper

2-Year Anniversary

Two years ago today I married the most wonderful woman in existence. Happy anniversary, Desirée Lee! I love you more than anything – now, always, forever, and beyond!

Scott Harper

Creepy Toys

In yesterday’s post I talked a bit about the Wendy Markland prequel short story that I’m working on. As research for that project, I have a question for you all:

What do you think is the creepiest toy currently for sale on today’s market? Please let me know in a comment, or e-mail via the “Contact” form on my website.

Thank you!

Scott Harper



Not long ago I mentioned on this blog/website that a brand new, original Wendy Markland short story would be included in the Umbral Press re-release of my first Wendy Markland book, “Predators or Prey?” A concept for that project has been agreed upon. This new short story will be a prequel to the Wendy Markland series as a whole, taking place before the events covered in “Predators or Prey?”. The working title of the piece is currently “It Isn’t Paranoia”. It will be included in the re-release along with the previously published short story, “Remnants”. Currently, “Predators or Prey?”, and “Remnants” are undergoing a new editing process. Meanwhile, I’m plotting out “It Isn’t Paranoia”, which is planned to have a far larger impact on Wendy Markland down the road…

Scott Harper